Category: Structural Steel Fabricator

Understanding Different Grades of Structural Steel and Their Applications

Steel is one of the most commonly used materials in a wide range of industries. From automobiles to commercial and residential construction to NASA, nearly every industry utilizes steel in some way. However, while many industries implement steel into their design plans, they don’t all use the same kind or grade. There are many different […]

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The Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Structural Steel Supplier

When it comes to choosing a structural steel supplier for your building project, there are several key factors to consider. Making sure you select the right supplier is essential for guaranteeing the highest quality materials and on-time delivery.  Steel Specialties in El Paso is one of the leading structural steel suppliers in the area, with […]

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What is Reinforcing Steel?

Reinforcing steel is one of the construction industry’s most important and widely used components. As the name indicates, it’s made of steel and used to reinforce various components and items, specifically concrete. We will delve into everything you need to know about reinforcing steel, including what it’s made of, how it’s made, and where it’s […]

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The Steel Drive: The Role of Steel in Today’s Automotive Industry 

Steel is a standard material of choice for many products today. It’s in our kitchens, utensils, homes, office buildings, and, of course, our cars. A world without steel would look and feel very different. This beloved alloy has improved our lives in many ways and plays a major role in the construction industry, industrial uses, […]

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The Ultimate Earthquake Survivors: Steel Frames and Structures

The phenomenon of having the earth shake still baffles scientists and seismologists even today. One of the planet’s most destructive events is not exactly predictable and are certainly not stoppable. And yet, over the centuries human beings have learned about the kinds of structures that better stand up to this activity. At Steel Specialities, we […]

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Why Rebar Is So Important For Construction

For many people, the term “rebar” was probably a new term when President Trump said he would build his border wall with it. However, rebar has been used for many centuries, dating back to 15th century Russia. Today, rebar has a wide range of construction applications, as well as a number of variations to fit […]

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Does Going With the Lowest Bid for a Steel Project Guarantee the Best Value?

When it comes to major construction projects, we undoubtedly want the best value for our money. If you’re dealing with a large-scale construction project, there’s no room to scale back on quality, especially when it comes to your structural steel supplier. As a steel fabrication company in El Paso, we understand the importance of quality […]

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